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Day 1 Recap December 7, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — progresdelebug @ 4:04 pm

last night’s goals for today

  • wear something other than sweats tomorrow
  • wake up a half hour earlier than usual
  • find one new way to style my hair

So far has been fine. Somehow, I convinced myself I didn’t need to go to my 9 am class so I slept in. I would love to get more sleep during the night so I should work on sleeping earlier and obtaining breakfast everyday.

Tonight is the editor’s dinner. We’re going to a Mexican restaurant in town and it’s apparently college night. I think my assistant is coming and so is my friend J. I’ve never explicitly mentioned this to her, but I’m really glad she’s coming. I get along with most of them but I’ve never felt truly comfortable, but I’m just a little more comfortable now. Also, today is our last biology lab. Our exam is on Friday and I need to study so I’ll do that in between lab and dinner and after dinner as well.

I really want it to be a good day, so I’ll smile a lot and try not to feel bad if I don’t feel included.

[cont @ 4:25 pm]

Biology lab went well. I did well on my abstract and missed only one question on my quiz. I ate a bacon cheeseburger though and I feel sleepy. I need to eat healthier food in general. I also found a recipe for smoretini shooters. I actually get sort of nauseous when I think of vodka now, because I did have one bad experience, but I should be fine.

I just had an interesting thought. Sometimes people sever relationships with those that they don’t see beneficial to them. It’s sort of like waking up one day and deciding to throw the clutter out of your closet to make room for more useful things. You even throw out the things that have sentimental value because they aren’t improving your life in any way, and may even be dragging you down. Well, humans are a little different. Like old letters wouldn’t feel betrayed if you were to toss them in your recycling bin, but if you were to cut contact with a friend, he or she may not know that they were holding you down and might miss you. And while you may feel satisfied with your life, walking around in more confident strides, your old friends are left behind wondering what they did wrong, because they honestly do not know.


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